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Tell Us About a Collection of Crystal Figurines – Survey

Do you have a collection of crystal figurines? Do you know someone who does?

We’d love to learn more about collectors and collections of crystal figurines, whether the collection includes a handful of figurines or a roomful.

We’d like to hear about the “collecting spirit” that drives today’s collectors of crystal figurines. And, we know there are some truly awesome collections out there and we’d like to hear about those too.

Please take a few minutes and tell us about your collection (or another you’re familiar with) by completing the survey below.  It’s possible we’ll include your submission in a future blog article.

Thank you!

Collecting Crystal Figurines - Survey

Please tell us about your collection of crystal figurines, or about a collection you have admired. We may contact you for more information so we can include your story on our blog.

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Permanent link to this article: https://crystalfigurinessite.com/tell-us-about-a-collection-of-crystal-figurines/


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  1. Carele Belanger

    I don’t have any crystal collection but it is so beautiful! I love it!

  2. Sally K Witt

    What a good idea! I know that people are addicted to their crystal collections!

  3. Susan Preston

    Great idea! I don’t have a collection, but they sure are beautiful. Thanks :)

  4. Sherri Gibson

    I started collecting in my early teens and have had them displayed in an air tight china cabinet. Unfortunetly, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am now forced to sell some, if not all, of my collection. It is tearing me apart to do this but I can accept it if I know the pieces will be cherished and cared for in the future as much as I have cherished and cared for them in the past.

    I have 2 Crystal World pieces (Curious Cat #679 and Small Cruise Ship #708). I also have 14 Swarovski crystal animal figurines, a Waterford Alligator, a Crystal Viking Ship, and 3 other crystal animal figurines from Cristal d’Arques and Cristal Au Plomb.

    Please contact me for a further information and/or a full list and description.

  5. Sherri Gibson

    I can be reached at slg2171@hotmail.com

  6. Robert Rex EDWARDS

    I am one of those who collect other peoples thrift store items. I found nearly $2000 at one store for 2 items. I also tell others how to check the value of the so called yard sale items they give away. Some people trash them because their parents left them to them and not any valuable property. Folly on them for throwing away their parents treasures.

  1. You Can't Have Just One Crystal Figurine! | Crystal Figurines Site

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