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Mother’s Day Gifts to Avoid

Mother’s Day is a special time when everyone wants to honor their mother, or wife, or special “other mother” with a memorable Mother’s Day gift. Unfortunately, selecting the right Mother’s Day gift can be challenging for family members.

Particularly sons and husbands.

It is pretty amazing to consider the clueless gifts that men of all ages give their wives and mothers every year. A few years ago, J.C Penney’s jewelry department did a very successful ad campaign about this very topic. “Beware of The Doghouse” was a the first in a series of videos first introduced during the Christmas shopping season in 2008, offering a hilarious look at how women feel about certain kinds of thoughtless gifts, and urging men to buy their beautiful and thoughtful product instead.

Between now and Mother’s Day, Crystal Figurines will be offering a light-hearted list of categories of Mother’s Day gifts to avoid that can help you select a gift Mom will really love.  But before you dismiss any or all of these suggested “Mother’s Day gifts to avoid,” remember that some Moms may hate shopping, or be tech geeks, or may have told you specifically that they want something in one of these categories. The most important thing is to think carefully about what matters to Mom, and then do that!

Crystal World has a selection of beautiful, memorable crystal gift ideas that are sure to please the special women on your Mother’s Day list. Visit www.CrystalWorld.com.

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  1. Emeline

    thanks very much for this post! i had a lot of interesting thoughts while reading this which i might just put into action right away. thanks.

  2. Sally K Witt

    What a great way to highlight your gifts. Hope you have a very successful Mother’s Day season!!

  3. Marie Leslie

    I remember that great ad campaign. One of my favorites. My kids have learned that what I like better than anything is the gift of time. Anything they choose that involves all of us spending time together is my favorite Mother’s Day. (though I have been known to make a few suggestions). Now as for my mom, that’s a whole ‘nother story. . . .

  4. Lisa Birnesser

    Great post and inspiring ideas for Mother’s Day!

  5. Sharon O'Day

    This is really too funny … but too true! Years ago someone I was dating went to the Caribbean on a business trip. When he came back from those wonderful duty free stores with all sorts of yummy perfume and jewelry, he brought me … a 21-function Swiss Army knife. True story! Next …

  6. Nisha

    “Beware of the doghouse” – love it! I always send my mom flowers on Mother’s Day because she just loves fresh flowers. This year she’s out of the country, though, so I need to figure something else out!

  7. david

    Believe it or not, i REALLY was going to get my mother a crystal figurine…I’m so conflicted right now..lol Great post.

  8. Matches Malone

    See’s Candy. Covers a multitude of sins.

  9. Gabriella

    I absolutely love this post. What a creative way to get the message a crossed that some things are just not Mothers Day gifts!

  10. Anita

    Great post for Mothers day!

  11. Gina Carr

    TOO FUNNY! I love this video. Thanks so much. I can’t wait to share it.

    My mother has always been difficult to buy for. Over the years, I’ve learned that she really loves a nice card with a hand-written message in it. That’s it. Oh…and a box of chocolates. My mom’s the best!

  12. Roshani Patel

    really nice post regarding mothers day gifts..actually i was searching for best mothers day flowers gifts for my mom and i found your post..thanks for sharing nice ideas here..

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  2. More Really Bad Mother’s Day Gifts » Crystal Figurines Site | Crystal Figurines Site

    [...] fair to say that Anna Jarvis would be turning over in her grave if she had any idea about the kinds of Mother’s Day gifts documented in the hilarious “Doghouse” video that husbands and sons have been giving that special woman in their [...]

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