A quick trip around the internet reveals that what constitutes an appropriate Mother’s Day Gift is a hotly debated topic.
Women of good will have been disagreeing about this since Mother’s Day officially began in its present form in the US in 1908. Indeed, some people have argued that any kind of gift was inappropriate. One of the first people to rail against the rampant commercialism of the holiday was its founder, Anna Jarvis. Wikipedia reports:
Commercialization of the U.S. holiday began very early, and only nine years after the first official Mother’s Day had became so rampant that Mother’s Day founder Anna Jarvis herself became a major opponent of what the holiday had become, spending all her inheritance and the rest of her life fighting what she saw as an abuse of the celebration. She decried the practice of purchasing greeting cards, which she saw as a sign of being too lazy to write a personal letter. She was arrested in 1948 for disturbing the peace while protesting against the commercialization of Mother’s Day, and she finally said that she “…wished she would have never started the day because it became so out of control.” She died later that year.
It is probably fair to say that Anna Jarvis would be turning over in her grave if she had any idea about the kinds of Mother’s Day gifts documented in the hilarious “Doghouse” video that husbands and sons have been giving that special woman in their lives.
Here are some other really bad Mother’s Day gifts that were seen on Yahoo.
“serena46″ – My worst present was a new set of metal garage doors for our triple garage. And I later received and paid the bill for them!
“Jo” - my husband last year decided to schedule his exam on Mothers Day. He left with a HUGE mess to clean up and 2 kids to watch and then he decided to take himself out to dinner that night but we werent invited.
“Shirl” - Son and wife sent me a clay ash tray like thing such as a child would make, painted brown as in “cow pie”, no explanation as in her grandchild made it or anything. I kept it in a drawer never to be seen by anyone. I was hurt that my son allowed it to be gifted to me.
“Sonya” - Last year I got a TEXT message from my son who spent Mother’s day at his friends house with his mom. I was crushed.
Here are a few from a Virginia newspaper:
1. Deodorant (really?)
2. Apron
3. Anything to do with Weight Loss
4. Anything alive that will need Mom’s help to stay alive
5. Anything advertised on an infomercial
Other mothers were glad to receive any kind of gift, and did not despise homemade gifts, IOUs or “coupons” for services, and many of the other gifts that have been called inappropriate.
JC Penney felt that fine jewelry was the only solution for a fantastic Mother’s Day gift. Here at Crystal World®, we hope you will take the time to find out what Mom REALLY wants, and give her that.
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We also want to remind you about Crystal World’s® shipping schedule… we will do everything we can to ensure that deliveries arrive by Friday, May 11th, two days before Mom’s special day. For Northeast delivery addresses close to our office in North Jersey (New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, etc), you may still stay advantage of our Free UPS Ground Shipping Service (normally 2-day delivery for this region. Try to submit your Ground shipping orders by tomorrow or Monday. However, keep in mind that UPS is not guaranteed.
Ruth Hegarty
May 8, 2012 at 7:02 pm (UTC -4)
When my mother was alive I used to take her to afternoon tea for Mother’s Day. It was a treat for both of us and my mom lived gifts of time.
May 8, 2012 at 10:57 pm (UTC -4)
You’ve pointed out some outrageously bad Mother’s day gifts here. My heart goes out to those poor Moms.
Lisa Birnesser
May 8, 2012 at 11:29 pm (UTC -4)
Oh, that is a tragic list of gifts. Deodorant? Really? Oh dear… I think you have many more suitable and beautiful options for Mother’s Day Gifts. Thanks for the post!
Sally K Witt, Social Media and Ministry
May 9, 2012 at 1:18 am (UTC -4)
I hope that everyone behaves and gets good gifts that their Mom’s really want!!
May 9, 2012 at 2:18 pm (UTC -4)
Oh My! I would agree, this list really needs some love. One of the worst things you could ever give a women, Mom or not..is a weight loss gift.
May 9, 2012 at 4:22 pm (UTC -4)
It is interesting what people think an appropriate gift for the Mother’s day is
Thank you for the post! You have in here so many beautiful gifts to choose from.