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The Greatest Thing A Father Can Do

Children who grow up with a good relationship with their fathers as well as their mothers are more compassionate, secure, responsible and self-confident. Certainly children can – and do – develop well when they are reared with only a mom or a dad. But lucky is the child who grows up with both, and when that mom and dad have a relationship that demonstrates unconditional love to the child.

This Father’s Day, don’t forget to show your appreciation.


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  1. Carolyn Hughes

    What a fabulous quote and some gorgeous gifts!

  2. Dorien Morin-van Dam

    I like what you said:

    “Children who grow up with a good relationship with their fathers as well as their mothers are more compassionate, secure, responsible and self-confident.”

    It is so true. I am fortunate to have a great dad and my kids have an awesome dad too! Sometimes we forget how lucky we are.

  3. Martha Giffen

    I am one of the lucky ones! My parents were in love for over 60 years and we all got to witness what that looks like! Hoping my kids will say the same about us one day! Nice quote!

  4. Sherie

    Children who grow up with both parents are lucky indeed! Love the image and the quote, it is so true!

  5. Barbara Peters

    This is true.. the family can make or break a relationship an adult has.. it’s their first relationship.

  6. Lisa Birnesser

    What a beautiful message! Lucky is the child that grows up with both parents in love indeed! Beautiful heart image-thanks!

  7. david

    This is a great message! Nice crystals.

  8. Sherry Nouraini

    Ah… What a great gift, and quote!

  9. Rick

    Great stuff! Nice turn around on Father’s Day.

  10. Helena

    Great quote! Children with two parents who love each other are very blessed indeed.

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